неделя, 4 октомври 2015 г.

Christ in the House of Martha and Mary

In works on this subject, the food and the sumptuously laid din­ing table are indicative of the hospitality offered by Martha to the Lord, as she seeks to satisfy his material needs.

Christ in the House of Martha and Mary
During his journey to Jerusalem, Jesus stopped at a village where he was welcomed into the home of a woman named Martha. While she was busy in the kitchen preparing a special meal and hospitality suitable to a person of his importance, her sister Mary (often referred to as Magdalene) sat at the Lord's feet to listen to his words. Martha was upset that her sister was leaving her to do all the domestic work, and she urged Jesus to ask Mary to give a helping hand. He declined to do so and instead turned abruptly to Martha, saying: "Martha, Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things; there is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part, which will not be taken away from her." This episode from the Gospel of Luke is often used to convey the philosophical idea of the contrast between the active and the contemplative life. The Lord indicates that the latter is the right and surest choice if his word is to be understood.

Luke 10:39-42


This Gospel subject is frequently found not only in Italian art hut also in the northern pictorial tradition, where, however, it acquires its own particular characteristics after 1550. It is often used as an excuse for depicting elegant rooms or kitchens overflowing with attractive foodstuffs and delicacies

Alessandro Allori, Christ in the House of Martha and Mary, 1605. Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum.

·         The eggs may be a symbol of the Resurrection.
·         Grapes are not simply a food for the table. They also remind us of trine and hence refer to the blood of Christ and his Passion.
·         The laden dining table conveys the hospitality offered to Christ by Martha.
·         Christ points to Mary Magdalene as one who has chosen the way of contemplation: the better way to understand his teaching.
·         Mary Magdalene kneels at Christ's feet and listens to his preaching.

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